  • 歷史搜尋:
  • 熱門搜尋:
    私立高中職黑夜奇俠性事孫鵬偷拍NVIDIA六合停車場潮境公園 雞塊鴻海
  • 搜尋:

    Taiwan Reading Festival 結果共2筆

  • 文策院攜手榮耀基金會 共推臺灣音樂劇創投媒合平台

    文化內容策進院(文策院)今(9)日與榮耀基金會合作,並由榮耀基金會串聯相關文化內容產業創投天使夥伴,共同推出「讀劇匯—音樂劇創投媒合平台 Taiwan Musical Reading Festival」,期待未來透過資金挹注、人才培育以及產業社群的串連,孵化更多作品,開拓臺灣音樂劇市場。
    2024/04/09 17:09
  • Taiwanese people borrowed 93M books in 2022: Data

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan reveals his oversight of the planning and construction of 23 libraries during his tenure as Taoyuan mayor, with 15 libraries costing approximately NT$8 billion. The announcement comes ahead of the Taiwan Reading Festival, seen as a symbol of civilization and a mark of a nation’s progress. Education Ministry reports show a rise in library visits, card applications, and book borrowing by Taiwanese residents. The festival, now in its 11th year, has gained international recognition and is expected to further promote Taiwan’s literary and cultural richness.
    2023/11/20 18:49
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